- List droplets Memorizable version of "doctl compute droplet list"
- Create droplet Memorizable wrapper around "doctl compute droplet create"
- Remove droplet Memorizable and more verbose wrapper around "doctl compute droplet delete"
- Initialize .vimrc This will write my default .vimrc to your local machine
- dropbox-mount Mount dropbox using rclone
- dropbox-backup Backup all files from dropbox to backblaze b2 using rclone
Reverse Engineering
- Install IDA 7.0 Free on Linux Downloads and installs IDA to be run over X11
- extract Extract a file using unix tools based on the file ending.
- encrypt Encrypt a file using openssl aes-256-cbc
- decrypt Decrypt a file using openssl aes-256-cbc
- ipaddr Grep ipconfig for ips
- venv Create a python3 venv (if it doesn't exist already) and activate it in the current folder
- webserver Run a python3 webserver on port 8000 from the current working directory
You can also find my new host setup code here.